
PEER REviewed Papers
[35] Noelymar Gonzalez-Maldonado, Mallika A. Nocco, Amanda Crump, Kerri Steenwerth, Erika Yao, Anthony Alameda, Cristina LazcanoWine Grape Grower Perceptions and Attitudes about Soil HealthRural Sociology, 110: 103373.

[34] Sangeeta Bansal, Noelymar Gonzalez-Maldonado, Erika Yao, Connie Wong, Irene Adamo, Marta Acin, Beatriz Garcia-Jimenez, Alberto Acedo, Cristina Lazcano. Regenerative soil management practices no-till and sheep grazing induce significant but contrasting short-term changes in the vineyard soil microbiome. Plants People Planet. IN PRESS.

[33] Halima Malal, Veronica Suarez Romero, William R. Horwath, Sabina Dore, Patrick Beckett, Mohamed Ait Hamza, Hicham Lakhtar, Cristina Lazcano. 2024. Vermifiltration and Sustainable Agriculture: Unveiling the Soil Health-Boosting Potential of Liquid Waste Vermicompost. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 8:1383715. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2024.1383715 

[32] Ellie M. Andrews, Muhtarima Tabassum, Erini G. Galatis, Erika H. Yao, Patrick H. Brown, Sat Darshan S. Khalsa, Cristina Lazcano, Amelie C.M. Gaudin. Almond hull and shell organic matter amendments increase microbial biomass and multifunctionality in orchard soil and the undisturbed organic layer. 2024. Applied Soil Ecology, 197, 105321.

[31] Raúl Ochoa-Hueso, Emma Cantos-Villar, Belén Puertas, Juan F. Aguiar del Rio, Ignacio Belda, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Victoria Fernández, Antonio Gallardo, José L. García-Morales, Teresa Garde-Cerdán, Luis Gonzaga-Santesteban, Cristina Lazcano, Isabel M. Liberal, Lilia Serrano- Grijalva, Germán Tortosa, Ramón Casimiro-Soriguer. Nature-based strategies to regenerate the functioning and biodiversity of vineyards. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. 2023. In press.

[30] Qunli Shen, Honghao Wang, Cristina Lazcano, Paul Voroney, Ahmed Elrys, Guanglin Gou, Houfu Li, Qilin Zhu, Yunzhong Chen, Yanzheng Wu, Meng Lei, Philip C Brookes. Biochar amendments to tropical paddy soil increase rice yields and decrease N2O emissions by modifying the genes involved in nitrogen cycling. Volume 235, January 2024. Soil and Tillage Research.

[29] Connie Tsz Fai Wong , Mia Falcone, Geovan Rich, Craig Stubler, Bwalya Malama, Cristina Lazcano and Charlotte Decock. Short-term effects of increasing compost application rates on soil C and greenhouse gas (N2O and CO2) emissions in a California Central Coast vineyard. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11 April 2023, Sec. Soil Processes.

[28] M. Amine Hassani, Omar Gonzalez, Samuel S. Hunter, Gerald J. Holmes, Shashika S. Hewavitharana, Kelly Ivors, Cristina Lazcano. Microbiome network connectivity and composition linked to disease resistance in strawberry plants. 2023. Phytobiomes Journal.

[27] Cristina Lazcano, Noelymar Gonzalez-Maldonado, Erika H. Yao, Connie T. F. Wong, Mia Falcone, Jean Dodson Peterson, L. Federico Casassa, Bwalya Malama, Charlotte Decock. 2022. Assessing the short-term effects of no-till on crop yield, greenhouse gas emissions, soil C and N pools in a cover-cropped, biodynamic Mediterranean vineyard. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. vol. 2022, Article ID 8100818, 12 pages, 2022.

[26] Jordon Wade, Steve W. Culman, Caley K. Gasch, Cristina Lazcano, Gabriel Maltais-Landry, Andrew J. Margenot, Tvisha K. Martin, Teal S. Potter, Wayne R. Roper, Matthew D. Ruark, Christine D. Sprunger, Matthew D. Wallenstein. 2022. Rigorous, empirical, and quantitative: a proposed pipeline for soil health assessment. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 170.

[25] Lazcano, Cristina; Noelymar Gonzalez-Maldonado; Erika H. Yao; Connie TF Wong; Jenna J Merrilees; Mia Falcone; Jean Dodson Peterson; L Federico Casassa; Charlotte Decock. 2022. Sheep grazing as a strategy to manage cover crops in Mediterranean vineyards: Short-term effects on soil C, N and greenhouse gas (N2O, CH4, CO2) emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 

[24] Lazcano, Cristina; Zhu-Barker, Xia; Decock, Charlotte. 2021. Effects of Organic Fertilizers on the Soil Microorganisms Responsible for NO Emissions: A Review. Microorganisms, 9 (5), 983.

[23] Lazcano, Boyd, Holmes, Hewaitharana, Pasulka, Ivors. The rhizosphere microbiome plays a role in the resistance to soil-borne pathogens and nutrient uptake of strawberry cultivars under field conditions.  11, Article number: 3188 (2021) Scientific Reports.

[22] Lazcano, Cristina; Deniston-Sheets, Holly M.; Stubler, Craig; Hodson, Amanda K; Watts, Katherine; Afriyie, Prince; Casassa, Federico; Dodson Peterson, Jean C. Soil management induced shifts in nematode food webs within a Mediterranean vineyard in the Central Coast of California (USA). Applied Soil Ecology. In Press.

[21] Lazcano, C. Decock, D. Wilson, S. G. 2020. Defining and Managing for Healthy Vineyard Soils, Intersections With the Concept of Terroir. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 68.

[20] Lazcano, C., Deol, A. S., Brummell, M. E., Strack, M. 2020. Interactive effects of vegetation and water table depth on belowground C and N mobilization and greenhouse gas emissions in a restored peatland. Plant and Soil.

​[19] Lazcano, C., Robinson, C., Hassanpour Fard, G., Strack, M. 2018. Short-term effects of fen peatland restoration through the moss layer transfer technique on the soil CO2 and CH4 efflux. Ecological Engineering, 125, 149-158.

[18]Brummell, M., Lazcano, C., Strack, M. 2017. Effects of Eriophorum vaginatum on N2O emissions at a restored peatland. Ecological Engineering 106, 287-295.

[17] Lazcano, C., Tsang, A., Doane, T.A., Pettygrove, S.G., Horwath, W.R., Burger, M. 2016. Soil nitrous oxide  emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 225, 160-172.

[16] Lazcano, C., Wade, J., Horwath, W.R., Burger, M. 2015. Soil sampling protocol reliably estimates preplant NO3 in SDI tomatoes. California Agriculture, 69 (4).

[15] Lazcano C., Barrios-Masias, F., Jackson L.E. 2014. Arbuscular mycorrhizal effects on plant growth and soil greenhouse gas emissions under changing moisture regimes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 74, 184-192.

[14] Lazcano C., Martínez-Blanco J., Boldrin A., Muñoz P., Rieradevall J., Möller J., Antón A., Christensen T.H. 2013. Assessing the environmental benefits of compost use-on-land through an LCA perspective: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 721-732.

[13] Lazcano C., Gómez-Brandón M., Revilla P., Domínguez J. 2013. Short-term effects of conventional and integrated fertilizer regimes on soil microbial community structure and function: a field study with sweet corn. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 49 (6) 723-733.

[12] Jackson L.E. Bowles T.M., Hodson A.K., Lazcano C. 2012. Soil microbial-root and -rhizosphere processes to increase nitrogen availability and retention in agroecosystems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 4(5) 517-522.

[11] Lazcano C., Revilla, P., Malvar R.A., Dominguez J. 2011. Yield and fruit quality of four sweet corn hybrids (Zea mays) under conventional and integrated fertilization with vermicompost. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91, 1244-1253.

[10] Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Lores, M. and Domínguez, J. 2011. Short-term stabilization of grape marc through earthworms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187, 291-295.

[9] Lazcano C., Dominguez J. 2010. Effects of vermicompost as a potting amendment of two commercially-grown ornamental plant species. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(4), 1260-1270.

[8] Aira M., Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Bååth E., Domínguez J. 2010. Plant genotype strongly modifies the structure and growth of maize rhizosphere microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 2276-2281.

[7] Aira M., Lazcano C., Gómez-Brandón M., Dominguez J. 2010. Ageing effects of casts of Aporrectodea caliginosa on soil microbial community structure and activity. Applied Soil Ecology, 46, 143–146.

[6] Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Lores M., Dominguez J. 2010. Detritivorous earthworms modify microbial community structure and accelerate plant residue decomposition. Applied Soil Ecology 43(3) 237-244.

[5] Lazcano C., Sampedro L., Zas R., Dominguez J. 2010. Vermicompost enhances germination of the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). New Forests 39(3) 387-400.

[4] Lazcano C., Sampedro L., Zas R., Dominguez J. 2010. Assessment of plant growth promotion by vermicompost in different progenies of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Compost Science and Utilization. Vol. 18, No. 2, 111-118.

[3] Lazcano C., Arnold J., Zaller Johann G., Dominguez J. 2009. Compost and vermicompost as nursery pot components: effects on tomato plant growth and morphology. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(4) 944-951.

[2] Lazcano C., Gómez-Brandón M., Domínguez J. 2008. Comparison of the effectiveness of composting and vermicomposting for the biological stabilization of cattle manure. Chemosphere, 72 (7) 1013 -1019.

[1] Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Domínguez J. 2008. The evaluation of stability and maturity during the composting of cattle manure. Chemosphere, 70 436- 444.

Other Peer Reviewed Publications


[11] Lazcano, C., Decock, C., Wong, C. T. F., Garcia-Brucher, K. 2022. Assessing the effects of compost on soil health. In: Improving soil health (Ed. William Horwath). Burleigh Dodds Publishing.

[10] Verhoeven E., Decock C., Garland G., Lazcano C. 2019. Vineyard N2O emissions. Climate, irrigation, floor management interactions. Wine Business Monthly, January 2019, 196-205.

[9] Barrios-Masias, F.H., Lazcano, C., Hernandez-Espinoza, L.H. 2019. Advances in understanding vegetable physiology: root systems as the next frontier in improving sustainable vegetable production. In: Hochmuth, G. (ed.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of vegetables, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.

[8] Lazcano C., Martínez-Blanco J, Christensen T.H., Muñoz P., Rieradevall J., Møller J., Antón A., Boldrin A., Nuñez M. 2014. Environmental benefits of compost use-on-land through LCA – A review of the current gaps. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference LCA of Food. ISBN: 978-0-9882145-7-6.

[7] Martínez-Blanco J., Lazcano C., Boldrin A., Muñoz P., Rieradevall J., Möller J., Antón A., Christensen T.H. 2013. Assessing the environmental benefits of compost use-on-land through an LCA perspective: a review. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews vol. 12.

[6] Lazcano C., Domínguez J., Ordas B., Huelga R., Djemel A., Malvar R.,  Revilla P. 2012. Abonado orgánico de maíz dulce. Agricultura, 947.

[5] Lazcano, C. Domínguez, J. Vermicompost and plant growth, proposed mechanisms and future research goals. In: Vermitechnology-recent advancements (Book), Springer. In Press.

[4] Lazcano, C. Domínguez, J. 2011. The use of vermicompost in sustainable agriculture: impact on plant growth and soil fertility. In: Soil nutrients (Book). Nova Publishers, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61324-785-3.

[3] Domínguez J., Lazcano C., Gómez-Brandón M. 2010. Influencia del vermicompost en el desarrollo y crecimiento de las plantas. Aportes para la elaboración de un concepto objetivo. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n.s.). Especial, 1-16.

[2] Domínguez J., Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C. 2010. Propiedades bioplaguicidas del vermicompost. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n.s.). Especial 2, 373-383

[1] Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Domínguez. 2010. Papel de las lombrices en la degradación del bagazo de uva: efectos sobre las características químicas y la microflora en las primeras etapas del proceso. Acta Zoológica Mexicana. (n.s.). Especial.